Kathleen cannino
ST. Tammany Parish school board,
district 2
My name is Kathleen Cannino, I am running for St. Tammany Parish School Board, District 2.
I am a wife to a wonderful husband and mother of two amazing children. I live in Covington and have grown up in St. Tammany parish and attended our public schools. I graduated from Fontainebleau High School in Mandeville. I received my B.A. in psychology from Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond.
Currently, I advocate pro bono for children with disabilities within our parish and Louisiana. Through my advocacy and my son’s personal experience, I have encountered the frustrating situations parents, teachers, and taxpayer’s encounter. I am running for school board because we need CHANGE.
My top areas of focus:
Giving a voice to the parents and teachers, making sure they are heard
Fiscal transparency, topic clarity
Special Education
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Mauris vel quam nunc. Quisque tempor tempus aliquet. Donec egestas odio et tempor.

Issues I want to address:
Educators are often overwhelmed with paperwork and testing requirements.
Teachers, therapists, paras, bus drivers are not provided with the necessary support, resources, or training.
Many teachers fear speaking up for themselves or for their students, so they often go unheard. When they do speak up, change is slow or nonexistent.
Bullying and bad behavior are often not addressed and there is a culture of silence in schools.
It should not be this way. School staff, students, families, and all our taxpayers deserve to be heard. Our leaders should be transparent and accountable. We must work together to ensure our schools have the support they need to be successful. Given the opportunity, I will work hard to make a difference for all of our children.
If you would like to contribute to my campaign, please use the link below. Thank you for your support!